07 August 2015

Take Me Out To The Ballgame (preferably Yankees)

It's summer which means hats of all kinds have made their appearances left, right, and center. Recently, I've been seeing one specific type of hat more frequently than any other: a baseball hat.

I see men and women wearing baseball hats around my town, in the city, on instagram, and celebrities are even wearing them on classy outfits! Maybe it's the casualty that the hat brings to an outfit, or maybe it's out of pure laziness, I don't know, but I am loving it.

Typically you'll catch me wearing baseball cap on bad hair days, but the more I wear it the more I love. My style in general is very simple and casual, and the baseball hat really brings a sporty, more put together look to me. I do find it odd that I look more together when I lazily place a hat on my head, but I'll go with it.

If it is me wearing a baseball hat, for one thing it must be a Yankees hat. I need the style and to be able to support my team all at the same time. Next, I'm probably wearing a plain t-shirt, v-neck to feminize it a little bit and pairing it with linen shorts typically a neutral colour. My style has strayed from denim shorts recently and I have been buying loose fitting, flowy shorts of different colours. And I must say my comfort level has risen extremely high since my transition. To top it all off, it's summertime so I'm most likely wearing sandals or flip flops to show off my freshly painted toe nails.

Let's check out how celebrities are sporting the baseball hat trend.

Dressed up, dressed down, leather hat, Yankees hat, whichever way you choose to wear it, do it with confidence, and make sure you are supporting the greatest team of all time, the New York Yankees.

Send me pictures on twitter (@vogue_alamode) or instagram (@amber_sabri) of you rockin' this trend!!

Stay Fierce
Amber xx

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