05 June 2015

What Goes Around Comes Around: Birkenstocks

The 90s Revival series begins today.

Everywhere you turn 90s trends stare right back at you. From magazines, to social media, to just walking through the streets. It's inevitable, and you, like me, may not know what to think. The 90s remind me of some questionable fashion choices, but looking back and comparing it to today it all seems quite similar.

My revival of this blog begins with the up and already here "new" shoe: Birkenstocks. They've been around for years. The trend came, conquered and left, but it's back again. Crop tops, Mom Jeans, and now Birkenstocks are you sure we're in 2015 and not 1995?

Birkenstocks originally reached popularity by young men, and later in the 90s by the Generation X population. And honestly, I don't know why they ever left out radars. The shoe is simplistic and versatile. For the most part, the shoes are neutral shades of browns, black, white, and recently modern colours, like silver. Basically the shoe matches any outfit you choose regardless of the style you're going with.

Think about it. All these years you have thought to yourself, "I love flip flops but they don't do anything for me or my outfit. I need to step it up, but how." Well you're answer lies within the admirable shoe section in Nordstrom's and online. From boho chic, to trendy working lady the possibilities with these shoes are endless.

I will give a personal opinion of these shoes, though it seems to be a bit unpopular. I love the shoes. They are the perfect fit for my style. They are sturdy. They are comfortable and cute. My only problem is I don't think I hold the power to make the shoe work with me. They are such wonderful shoes yet I don't think I can pull them off. Some believe everyone can pull them off, but I think I am the one exception.

Let's take a look and see the wonder of Birkenstocks.

Dress it down.

Dress it up.

Keep it casual.

Do what feels right. Do it with confidence. Work those Birkenstocks.

Stay Fierce
Amber xx

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