20 April 2014

Denim Jackets, The Essential

Denim Jackets, the number one essential in any person's closet. If one owns no other staple, but a denim jacket or shirt, then their life is set. Denim jackets are the one fashion trend that doesn't seem to ever go away; and if it does, it's back within a short few years. For decades, the Denim Jacket has been apart of fashion trends enhancing any outfit, as well as pushing forward the trends within fashion, forcing people to step out of the box and mix it up.

Now remember, the absolute number one rule when it comes to any blue denim jacket or shirt, one does not even ponder the thought of wearing blue denim on blue denim. Of course matching black or coloured jeans with a denim jacket work ideally, but under 99% of any circumstances, I highly advise staying away from blue denim on blue denim. Unless, you're someone as powerfully fierce and fashionably advanced as Rihanna, just stay away from it. You will not regret this piece of advise.

At this moment, we move attention towards how and in what ways can we wear a Denim Jacket. 
(If any of your qualities resemble Rihanna and her indescribably optimal style, please by all means, follow suit and work that denim on denim.)

 As visualized above, it is assumed that you can pair an Denim Jacket with just about any item of clothing found in any person's closet. It holds in the warmth like a normal jacket, but embraces the extra pazazz needed to brighten up and make an outfit stand out in a crowd. The Denim Jacket is a crowd pleaser, even the most fashionably incapable people will be able to pull this look off.

This Spring bring out that vintage denim jacket, or go out and buy a new one and work it into any outfit. Embrace your inner style and wear how you want, any way you want. Have fun with it! Fashion should never be take seriously!!

Stay Fierce
Amber xx

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