04 August 2014

Product Review; Sunscreen

If you're like me, you are not a huge fan of wearing sunscreen. Personally, I don't like the thick, cakey feeling it gives you when applied to the face and body. Plus, it doesn't work too well with make-up if it's super thick.

Everyday prior to beginning of this summer, I put up with the cakey feeling of the sunscreen that my mother typically bought me for the sake of protected skin. However, I enjoyed the moisturizing powers and sun protecting powers, so for a while I put up with it. Until now.

Once again, my constant visits to Target and deep searching on Google bring a solution to the hatred of thick, creamy sunscreen. I bring you L'Oreal Sublime Sun.

Unlike most sunscreens, this one is made specifically from a reputable brand that works with products for the face. Also, it is SPF 50 (this part is a biggie, the higher the SPF the better) and water resistant. This sunscreen has 3 specific features that work perfectly for the face. It is a foam, which makes it super light on the face and other parts of the body, and it's non-sticky and non-greasy; so that icky thick feeling with most sunscreens doesn't happen with this one.

I've been using this sunscreen for about 2 months now, and I find it extremely moisturizing and protecting. Zero complaints come from me regarding this sunscreen. I highly recommend anyone to use this during during the summer, and all year around.

Helpful Tip: Sunscreen is not just for hot summer days when the sun shines down hard on you. It should be used year round even on cloudy days because sun rays still reach through clouds and affect your skin.

Stay Fierce
Amber xx

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